London Recruits to receive award


Harry Potter's Daniel Radcliffe to star in SA anti-apartheid prison break movie

New Interview - 6th April 2017

An interview with London Recruit, gun-runner Katherine Levine, by her daughter

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Will Gee - My Small Contribution to the Struggle

We are delighted to announce that we have a new story on the website. This has been written by Will Gee, a London Recruit who contacted us after hearing an interview with Mary Chamberlain and Ronnie Kasrils on BBC Radio 4. Will went to South Africa in 1981 with a man named Simon whom we are trying to find.

Warm greetings and welcome to London Recruits - the sensational story of the young men and women who undertook clandestine missions for the ANC during the bleakest years of the apartheid regime. With your help, their gripping tale that remained secret for over 40 years, will come to the big screen for the first time.

Here is a trailer for the film that is now in production

London Recruits trailer

Trade Union backing for London Recruits 

This interesting report by the BBC, about the truck used for the "Secret Safari" arms smuggling operation, somehow manages to avoid mentioning that the drivers and tour guides were all white non-South Africans, mostly British people, acting in solidarity with the ANC.

Buy book here

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