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ACTSA - Action for Southern Africa is the successor organisation to the Anti-Apartheid Movement.
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On 20 March 2014, a new website was launched, with a reception to mark the occasion at South Africa House, London. www.aamarchives.org
The above website is part of an exciting education project on the history of the AAM organised by the AAM Archives Committee. It displays photographs, posters and documents from the AAM archive at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford and over 50 oral history interviews with former AAM activists. Video footage includes coverage of the ‘Nelson Mandela: Freedom at 70’ campaign and the AAM film ‘Fruits of Fear’.
Hits: 2013
As the film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom hits the theaters, Danny Schechter's Madiba A to Z hits the bookstores with the rest of the story.
Danny was one of the first of the London Recruits and the only one from the USA, recruited at the LSE in 1967 by Ronnie Kasrils and going to Durban that summer. He went on to become a major film-maker on Mandela and South African affairs over many years.
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‘Frontline States’ was a festival of Southern African culture staged during Glasgow’s ‘City of Culture’ celebrations in May 1990 organised by Peter Sinclair, a London Recruit. The website features the music, art, poems, theatre, photographs and film from Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe that toured the UK and Ireland soon after Nelson Mandela was released from prison.