An amazing human being, dedicated to the cause of a better world, activist in many fields, especially the media, both radio and TV. A militant student during the Civil Rights Movement in the USA, activist and opponent of the American war against the people of Vietnam, friend of Cuba, and long time militant supporter of the South African liberation movement. This cause he espoused continuously over the years commencing with his clandestine mission into the country in 1967 when he distributed leaflets in the Durban area and had some amazing stories to relate as a result.

This latter operation had a life changing impact on him. He forged strong personal links with many South African comrades such as Joe Slovo and Ruth First, Pallo Jordan (who he had already known from USA student days), Zanele Mbeki, Sue Rabkin and Nelson Mandela himself. Danny was at the forefront of welcoming events in the USA when Madiba visited after his release, as well as involvement in many of the concerts and films about the iconic figure which included Anant Singh's movie.

I became his close friend at the London School of Economic in 1967 where he was a post- graduate student and we participated together in the first historic sit-in at the university over the Rector's links with Ian Smith's Rhodesia. When asked whether he was prepared to undertake a dangerous mission into apartheid South Africa that year he accepted with alacrity. Danny, of Jewish descent, was an outspoken critic of Zionist Israel and supporter of the Palestinian cause. A comrade of great wit, talent, creativity, compassion and courage.

He was an activist to the very end. Born in the Bronx, New York 1942. Died after a brave battle with cancer. He will be sorely missed by so many friends and comrades world-wide.

Hamba Kahle Danny Boy!

Ronnie Kasrils 20 March 2015

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