Special edition of ISSUU devoted to Danny Schechter

Click here for issuu Special edition to Danny Schecter

RIP Danny Schechter, "The News Dissector," Author, TV Producer, Made Six Films on Nelson Mandela

Known for his work chronicling the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa since the 1960s, Danny Schechter has died after a battle with pancreatic cancer at the age of 72.

Schechter got his start as "The News Dissector" in 1970 at WBCN-FM in Boston. He went on to become a prolific television producer who won two Emmys. He was executive editor of MediaChannel.org, co-founder and executive producer of Globalvision production company, and the author of twelve books, including The More You Watch, The Less You Know.

Read more: RIP Danny Schechter, "The News Dissector," Author, TV Producer, Made Six Films on Nelson Mandela

Ronnie Kasrils pays tribute to Danny Schechter, who died 19 March 2015.

An amazing human being, dedicated to the cause of a better world, activist in many fields, especially the media, both radio and TV. A militant student during the Civil Rights Movement in the USA, activist and opponent of the American war against the people of Vietnam, friend of Cuba, and long time militant supporter of the South African liberation movement. This cause he espoused continuously over the years commencing with his clandestine mission into the country in 1967 when he distributed leaflets in the Durban area and had some amazing stories to relate as a result.

Read more: Ronnie Kasrils pays tribute to Danny Schechter, who died 19 March 2015.

Danny Schechter, the News Dissector, Dies in NYC at 72

From: http://www.alternet.org/danny-schechter-news-dissector-dies-nyc-72

Independent filmmaker. Author. Blogger. Media Critic.

By Don Hazen / AlterNet

March 19, 2015

Danny Schechter, one of America’s best known, most talented, and effective progressive leaders renowned for his activism, and ground-breaking media making, died Thursday, March 19th in New York City, of pancreatic cancer.

Known as the “News Dissector” from his days at Boston radio station WBCN, Schechter was truly a renaissance progressive -- with a long list of achievements and creative endeavors.

Read more: Danny Schechter, the News Dissector, Dies in NYC at 72

Tribute to Danny Schecter by Anant Singh producer, ‘MANDELA: LONG WALK TO FREEDOM

It is with deep sadness that we learnt of the passing of Danny Schechter. Danny was a remarkable individual and human being, who was a very close friend for the past 40 years.

His passion for journalism was unsurpassed and more importantly is that he was a true journalist in every sense - never compromising the story and always maintaining values of integrity and honesty, which are almost non-existent today.

Read more: Tribute to Danny Schecter by Anant Singh producer, ‘MANDELA: LONG WALK TO FREEDOM

This interesting report by the BBC, about the truck used for the "Secret Safari" arms smuggling operation, somehow manages to avoid mentioning that the drivers and tour guides were all white non-South Africans, mostly British people, acting in solidarity with the ANC.

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