Daniel Radcliffe to play Tim Jenkin anti-apartheid activist

This is a news article from TimesLive website announcing an upcoming film. It does not mention London Recruit Alex Moumbaris who also took part in this dramatic escape.

We are very proud of our Comrade Alex and his wife Marie-José who were arrested in 1972 whilst helping ANC fighters to enter South Africa by land.

They were both tortured, Marie-José was released, and Alex was sentenced to 12 years. After seven and a half years he escaped along with ANC members Tim Jenkin and Steve Lee.


radcliffePopular British star Daniel Radcliffe will star in an anti-apartheid film based on Tim Jenkin’s account of his dramatic escape from the notorious Pretoria Maximum Security Prison in 1979.


The 27-year-old Harry Potter star will head to Mzansi in 2018 to begin the filming of the movie, which is based on Tim's autobiography Inside Out: Escape from Pretoria Prison

The breakout thriller tells the story of how Tim escaped one of the maximum prisons in South Africa using a device made from a broom handle and a mirror he had hidden in his cell.

Read more: Daniel Radcliffe to play Tim Jenkin anti-apartheid activist

From City Graduate to London Recruit

Ken KeableGraduating in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ken Keable went on to become an activist in ‘the secret War against apartheid’. In his own words, Ken tells us his story.

Born in 1945 and leaving school in Walthamstow in 1963, I secured a student apprenticeship with the London Electricity Board (a fine, publicly owned organisation that offered good opportunities for working-class people). I was put on a four-year “sandwich course” (six months in industry alternating with six months at college) with the college part being at the Northampton College of Advanced Technology leading to a Diploma of Technology. However, while I was there the college was upgraded to a university and my diploma was upgraded to a BSc in electrical and electronic engineering. I paid no fees and I was paid a good wage – a fact that I love telling to young people I meet today, as it shows that things were not always as bad as they are now, and could be better again.

Read more: From City Graduate to London Recruit

London Recruits – the secret war against apartheid, by Lee Gordon.

This article was published in Spanish on 4 May 2014 in Artilleria, a weekly supplement to Correo del Orinoco (The Orinoco Post), a Venezuelan newspaper founded by Hugo Chavez. Lee Gordon is a British journalist who works for Correo del Orinoco.

LEANING back in his seat, Pete Smith glanced nervously out of the aircraft window.

Read more: London Recruits – the secret war against apartheid, by Lee Gordon.

Presentation to the Cuban Ambassador

London Recruit Peter Smith has presented a copy of our book to the Cuban Ambassador, Her Excellency Teresita Vincente, as a way of thanking the Cuban government and people for the training that he received in Cuba. He made the presentation on 29 June 2015 at the Ambassador’s residence in St John’s Wood, London, at a reception arranged by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign. She was very pleased to receive the book, with a broad smile on reading the back cover.

Read more: Presentation to the Cuban Ambassador

Danny Schecter Tributes

Ronnie Kasrils pays tribute to Danny Schechter, who died 19 March 2015.

Danny Schechter, the News Dissector, Dies in NYC at 72

Tribute to Danny Sschecter by Anant Singh producer, ‘MANDELA: LONG WALK TO FREEDOM

This interesting report by the BBC, about the truck used for the "Secret Safari" arms smuggling operation, somehow manages to avoid mentioning that the drivers and tour guides were all white non-South Africans, mostly British people, acting in solidarity with the ANC.

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